Software engineering
Jazayeri, Mehdi
Software engineering ESEC/FSE' 97, [Text] Software engineering - New York Springer Verlag 1997 - xiii,532 p. ill. 23 cm. - Lecture notes in computer science : vol.1301 .
Proceedings ESEC/FSE' 97, 6th European Software Engineering Conference held jointly with the 5th ACM SIGSOFT symposium on the foundations of software engineering, Zurich, Switzerland, September 22-25 , 1997
Computer science
Computer software - Development
005.1 / SOF
Software engineering ESEC/FSE' 97, [Text] Software engineering - New York Springer Verlag 1997 - xiii,532 p. ill. 23 cm. - Lecture notes in computer science : vol.1301 .
Proceedings ESEC/FSE' 97, 6th European Software Engineering Conference held jointly with the 5th ACM SIGSOFT symposium on the foundations of software engineering, Zurich, Switzerland, September 22-25 , 1997
Computer science
Computer software - Development
005.1 / SOF