Phallic worship; a history of sex and sex rites in relation to the religions of all races from antiquity to the present day
Scott, George Ryley
Phallic worship; a history of sex and sex rites in relation to the religions of all races from antiquity to the present day [Text] Scott, George Ryley - London Luxor 1966 - xxii,232 p. plates, 30 cm.
Biblio : 221-226p.
Comparative Religion
291.212 / SCO
Phallic worship; a history of sex and sex rites in relation to the religions of all races from antiquity to the present day [Text] Scott, George Ryley - London Luxor 1966 - xxii,232 p. plates, 30 cm.
Biblio : 221-226p.
Comparative Religion
291.212 / SCO