Chemistry and immunomodulatory properties of vernonia cinerea (L.) Less., linnaea (Asteraceae) (An immunological basis for the use of vernonia cinerea in ayurveda)
De Silva, Salpahandi Ramya Pushparani
Chemistry and immunomodulatory properties of vernonia cinerea (L.) Less., linnaea (Asteraceae) (An immunological basis for the use of vernonia cinerea in ayurveda) [Thesis - PhD] De Silva, Salpahandi Ramya Pushparani - 1992 - xxv,282p. 30cm.
PhD thesis submitted to University of Sri Jayewardenepura
6A5.1/378.242095C / DES
Chemistry and immunomodulatory properties of vernonia cinerea (L.) Less., linnaea (Asteraceae) (An immunological basis for the use of vernonia cinerea in ayurveda) [Thesis - PhD] De Silva, Salpahandi Ramya Pushparani - 1992 - xxv,282p. 30cm.
PhD thesis submitted to University of Sri Jayewardenepura
6A5.1/378.242095C / DES